I don't know if Finnish people just are nicer than they used to be or if I really looked so desperate during the way home, but some other passangers even competed over who could help me most with my stuff. I already got some help in Tallinn. Thank you for your help, you know who (not Voldemort. Or Kai's boyfriend).

In Helsinki railway station I met a familiar woman from Kiuruvesi (well, almost everybody knows each other there, so it's really enough that she was from Kiuruvesi...) and she promised to help me when we had to change trains. But her place was in a different car of the train than mine and during the first change she didn't even have a chance to carry anything, because  three other people from my car were already happily carrying most of my things to the next train. Because it was saturday, we had to take three different trains instead of two to get to Kiuruvesi and during the next change I could see a happy smile on this woman's face when I promised she can carry my kanteletable!

Well if somewhere, then in Kiuruvesi I probably already am some kind of a celebrity, so it's of course just cool for others to carry my most important treasures. At least that's what I like to think. Though I would never like to be a real celebrity. In your hometown it can be quite usefully instead.

In the last train I met one of my old schoolmates I haven't seen in four whole years now. We would have had a lot more to discuss than you can manage in half an hour, but atleast it was something! My littlesister was picking me up from the "station" (which is not a real station, because we don't have such a thing anymore) and was wondering when she saw almost all of my things getting out from the train before she could even see me.

On friday we had our last schoolday of the language course and two different  final parties. First there was the official party, where I was asked to play something, where everybody had to say something about themselves in estonian and where the headmaster of the Public service academy gave us certificates for this course.

I played Martti Pokela's Golggo maanon, which means November in sami language and then I sang and played my own composition, my first song in estonian. It was the surprise song I have been talking about in this blog also before, but just in finnish and also trusting that the other finn from the course never reads my blog. (It's so hard for him because of my savonian dialect.) And they really liked the song. I was afraid whether I remember the lyrics or not. Because I just finished them the night before. But I remembered. And it was a success I could never have thought before.

Here are the lyrics of the song: (the other finn called me nipo (= a swot) the rest of the evening)

Kuidas läheb? Pole viga, aga ma olen väsinud.
Päike paistab, linnud laulavad, maailm on önnelik.

Mulle meeldivad maasikad, mulle meeldivad eestikeele öpetajad.
Kenad ja lauldvad inimesed, pannkookid, jäätis ja kohukesed.

(Even though Estonian and finnish are relative languages, we don't have all the same letters and I can't write all the words correctly with my dearest computer Mc Beth.)

After the first party we baked pullas with the other finn. He said it's not enough if we do them only with half a liter of milk, so we doubled all the ingredients and finally there was so much pullas that we tried desperatively to eat some of them before we had to show them to the others. But atleast they were quite good. The other finn had told me before that he is the best pullamaker ever. Well, I had to answer him that I'm quite good also. And we finally survived quite well. I had the technique and knowledge, he obeyed me nicely and did everything I told him to do. If we would have children together, it wouldn't be impossible that they would become professional bakers.

The final final party was kept in a hotel's sauna. There was also a steam sauna and a bubblebath (? I don't know how to call it really). With those we spent many hours. Also the others had made some really delicious food from their countries and I enjoyed all of these flavour experiences!

After the parties there was one word used a lot. Goodbye. Näkemist. It was finally a time for goodbyes. In my thoughts I was crying, but in real life I couldn't because my eyes were too dry after the many hours in sauna. 

Now I try to get some sleep. It's practise and practise all day long tomorrow. And on monday we have our first concert day in this Kantele project. All together it's 17 concerts during the week. And in the evenigs, my life will be full of packing to Viljandi!